
Art-Based Supervision

For me supervision is creating a space for you to reflect, explore and develop your practice so you can be the best you can be for your clients.

Here using art is invaluable for exploring and reflecting on the coaching dynamics within your coaching relationships, offering an opportunity to gain new insights and different perspectives at a deeper and more transformative level. It also deepens self awareness and understanding, supporting your personal development and growth as a coach.


[The supervisory space becomes] a space for play, opening things up, turning them upside down and allowing space for transformation.

Chesner & Zografou, Creative Supervision Across Modalities


As well as supporting coaches who want to develop and deepen their art based coaching practice, art based supervision offers any coach a creative and highly reflective and insightful space for exploring their coaching practice. As with Art-Based Coaching there is no requirement to be able to draw. It isn’t about creating great pieces of art, it is about self-expression and we can all do this.

Coaches who work with me are at all stages in their coaching careers from newly qualified through to highly experienced practitioners. I also work with Art Therapists who coach or are making the transition to coaching.

I offer both one to one and group supervision and all sessions can be done in-person or online. For a fully immersive art- based supervision session we can also work in my studio, which is in a beautiful part of Wiltshire.

If you would like to know more or would just like to explore art based supervision with me, please contact me and we can arrange for a call to talk through your practice and requirements, my supervision approach, and how we may work together.

Book your exploratory call


‘Anna’s accessible structure for the sessions and the relaxed and purposeful atmosphere she is able to create frees you up to explore things from a very different perspective. Her powerful questions about the image you create bring new ways of seeing into the mix and, in my case, tapped into the emotional elements underpinning my take on the issue, which signposted ways through it.’ 

David Love, Executive Coach and Supervisor


Group Art-Based Supervision

I work with groups of coaches both in person and online and if you would like to know more please contact me and we can arrange a call.

Group sizes are no more than four and sessions are between 2 to 2.5 hours.


“I find the free flow art process so revealing and personal… It definitely goes very deep and achieves quick results that really get to the root of the issue… Today revealed my self limiting belief as my barrier [in my practice]. This was discovered through the group’s insightful observations of my art.

You do not need to be artistic… It is about making your own marks and learning to read the messages those marks reveal to you.”

Karen Walters, Coach


A note about fees

Fees are shaped around your practice and agreed together.

For one to one supervision the fees are based on your own coaching rates and I also offer affordable rates for coaches who are doing solely pro-bono coaching, including internal coaches funding their own supervision.

Group coaching fees depend on the size of the group and are agreed with the group as part of the contracting process.

If you would like to know more about group supervision please contact me and we can arrange a call.


I very much look forward to talking with you about your practice and supervision, and how we may work together.

Contact me for an exploratory call



A selection of supervisees’ images