A Year of Creative Reflection

Bringing reflective practice and art journaling together

Why not treat yourself in 2025 to a year of creativity just for you

Open to anyone who would like to explore creative reflection 


‘Expressing yourself through creating visual images, whether as a painting, drawing, sculpture, or a mixture of approaches gives you a way to be more in touch with yourself, your emotions and your inner wisdom’ Anna Sheather


My invitation to you…

If you have always felt your reflective practice needed to be more visual, creative and much more in tune with you but didn’t know where to start or perhaps felt it wasn’t really a proper reflective practice, I would like to invite you to join me for a year of creative reflection – bringing together art journaling and formal reflective processes.

Through this year you will build confidence in your own unique creative voice, learn how to use art journaling for deeper reflection and have an approach to your reflective practice that is entirely your own. You will also discover the natural mindfulness of art journaling and how it enhances our wellbeing.


Is my reflective practice good enough? Read my blog here


My invitation is also to anyone who would like to explore and develop a creative reflective practice, anyone who wants to find out more about art journaling and creative reflective practice and anyone who wants to join an online creative, reflective and supportive community. You don’t have to be a coach or supervisor to join.

Please scroll down for more information, dates, booking and fees. If you would like to find out more you can request more information via the box at the end of the page, or if you would like to talk to me please contact me here. I am always happy to chat.

My practice

My approach to creative reflection has been developed from my own experience as well as the creative reflective practice developed and integrated into the ADCT Diploma in Art-Based Coaching.

I have been using art as part of my reflective practice for many years whether it is simple biro drawings in my diary or more worked pieces in a sketchbook. I have never been able to just sit and write out my reflective practice. Since starting to express myself through image making and art, it has enabled me to settle those thoughts and complex feelings that can come up in work and life, as well as connect to them, understand them and respond to them.

I have found it to be a place for renewal and peace as well as a place where I more fully understand myself, connect to what is important to me and to know where I need to do my own work. It has also enhanced my creativity and built my confidence in myself as a creative professional person.

The image to the left is an image from my journal.


Our year together

Introduction session      e-guides      10 online creative reflective sessions      9 additional email prompts and starting points    Recordings of sessions

In our year together we start with an introduction so no matter what your experience of drawing and image making you can get started. We explore materials, overcoming the fear of the blank page and dealing with our noisy inner critic! We will have our first creative reflective session exploring and setting our intentions for the year ahead and you will receive my e-guide on creating and using a reflective art journal. You will have also received the month before we begin a guide on preparing for the year with advice on materials and different types of journals as well as setting up a dedicated creative reflective space.

We then come together each month, except for August, for a one hour and twenty minute creative reflective session focused on what is important to you and your intentions for the year. This may be led by me or co-created through our checking in with practice at the beginning of a session. Then in-between sessions you will receive a further email from me with a starting point or prompt to support you in developing your creative reflective practice.

In our final session at the end of the year we also make time to reflect back on our year together and start to look ahead to the New Year.

What if you can’t make a session? Don’t worry if you miss a session or you can’t make all the dates in the year, as all the sessions are recorded and made available to participants for up to 12 months from the date of each session.

Finding out more – if you would like to receive the programme overview giving more information about the year and bringing art journaling and reflective practice together, just complete the box at the end of the page and I will send you the programme pdf.


Creative reflective journaling connects you to a deeper and more knowing part of yourself, gaining new insights and perspectives. It enables you to make sense of and connect to those things that are important for you to recognise and take notice of. Bringing to awareness things you may not be seeing, not giving yourself permission to say or are hidden from you. Anna Sheather


2025 – the year’s dates for your diary

Introduction and session 1 – 4th February 2025 4pm to 6.15pm GMT (2 hours 15 minutes)

Please note all the following sessions are 5pm to 6.20pm GMT or BST as appropriate to the time of year.

Session 2 – 11th March              Session 3 – 8th April

Session 4 – 13th May                 Session 5 – 10th June

Session 6 – 8th July                    Session 7 – 1st September  (there is no August session)

Session 8 – 7th October           Session 9 – 4th November

Session 10 and reflecting on our year together – 16th December

Can’t make a date? Don’t worry as all sessions are recorded.


Fees and booking your year


If you are ready to join just complete the booking form below and you will then receive your invoice and how to pay. If joining part way through please book in the same way.

Please note that the full fee is payable before the start of the programme. Once paid, your place is secure and I will send you the Zoom links and programme for the year.

Please ensure you have read the ART in Coaching course booking terms and conditions for information on payments, cancellations, transfers and postponements before booking your place.

Not yet ready to book? If you are not yet ready to join and would like to talk with me before booking please contact me here. I am always happy to chat and answer any questions you may have.


The fees for the year are £750  and include:

  • A guide on getting started covering materials and advice on types of journals and what to buy, plus setting up a dedicated creative reflective space
  • The introductory session
  • Ten live online creative reflection sessions
  • Nine additional email prompts sent to you between sessions
  • My e-guide ‘Creating a reflective art journal’ incorporating my Creative Reflective Process (CRP) developed as part of the Diploma
  • Recordings of sessions

There is no additional VAT.

Credit & debit card payments: If you wish to pay by credit or debit card please let me know when booking so a payment link can be sent to you. Please note there are charges for cards.

Please note that the full fee is payable before the start of the programme.

Please ensure you read the ART in Coaching course booking terms and conditions for information on payments, cancellations, transfers and postponements before booking your place.


I am really looking forward to meeting you and spending a year in your company creating and reflecting together.

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