Diploma in Art-Based Coaching – online programme

ADCT Awarded Programme

Commencing 21st March 2025


I am delighted to be able to offer this online AC ADCT accredited diploma programme. It is the first qualification of its kind, with art and creativity at its heart. It is also delivered in-person in the UK. To find out more please visit the webpage here: Diploma in Art-Based Coaching – in-person.



Watch the recording of the live Online Diploma Presentation with Q&A

The programme

Over the years I have been researching and working with art in coaching and have always shared this with the wider coaching community and coaches who want to use art in their own practice. This diploma is the culmination of many years of practice and research, underpinning Person-Centred Art-Based Coaching as a modality in its own right.

Through the Diploma I provide you with the research, experiential practice and support to help you shape your own art-based coaching practice.

The programme delivers:

  • 80 hours of online class based learning through four programmes consisting of 26 live online half day modules over a 10 month period
  • Many opportunities for co-coaching and coaching practice
  • Three one hour 1:1 supervision, plus
  • You will also be part of an online community where you can connect and support each other throughout the programme.

This is further supported through your own self-study and learning log, developing a creative reflective practice bringing art journaling and reflection together as well as maintaining your coaching log.






Book your place here


Who is the diploma for?

The diploma is for qualified and experienced coaches who want to develop an art based approach as part of their practice and achieve a level of mastery.

What experience do you need?

Many of you who have expressed an interest in the diploma have already attended an ART in Coaching workshop or programme and may already be working with art in your practice. Some of you may not have started working in this way yet. However, there is no requirement to already be practicing art in coaching as the Foundation Programme is designed to cover the essential principles, framework and practice needed to start coaching with art. This programme is also designed to be a purposeful refresher and deepen practice for those who have covered some of this programme before.

What type of coach do you need to be?

Coaching with art is an approach that can be used no matter what kind of coach you are. It is equally relevant for executive coaches as it is for life coaches. This is because coaching with art is person-centred. It works with our clients in a way that gives them access to a deeper level of personal awareness, understanding and meaning. Using art deepens and enriches our coaching conversations  through the expressive visual language of art and creates transformational shifts in perceptions and understanding that can lead to significant changes in personal development and growth.

Coaching with art is about working with the whole person and the area of focus they are bringing to the session. This could be anything from a leader wishing to change their behaviours to maximise their impact, through to someone wanting to unlock what they need to live a happy and fulfilling life.

Would you like to find out more?

Book a personal call – If you would like to find out more about the Diploma and would welcome a personal conversation to help you decide if the programme is right for you, please contact me through the link below and we can arrange either a phone or Zoom call. I will also send you the programme details. Book your personal call.

Request more information – If would just like more details of the programme, please contact me for more information through the contacts page and I will send you a complete overview of the online diploma.

Join the open Zoom presentation on 4th June at 3pm BST to meet us, hear more about the programme and ask questions. Book your place here.



The online Diploma commences on 21st March 2025 with the Welcome Half day and the four programmes dates are as follows:

Foundation Programme: March 2025 6 half day modules 26th to 28th & 31st March to 2nd April

Developing Your Practice Programme: July 2025 7 half day modules – 4th, 9th to 11th & 14th to 16th July

Advanced Practice Programme: September 2025 7 half day modules 5th, 9th to 12th & 15th to 16th September

Consolidating Your Practice Programme: December 2025 5 half day modules – 5th, 9th to 12th December

ALL modules start at 2pm either GMT or BST depending on the time of year and finish at either 5pm or 5.30pm.



All places are offered via an application process. If you would like to apply for a place on the next online diploma, please contact me, Anna, for an application form. Once your application has been received, I will be in touch about offering you a place on the Diploma in ART Based Coaching.




The fee for the 2025 online diploma is £3,900. Please note there is no additional VAT.

Instalment payment options are available. Please contact me to find out more.

What’s included

  • Workbooks and slide packs for each programme as appropriate
  • Supporting books including Coaching Beyond Words – using art to deepen and enrich our conversations by Anna Sheather
  • The e-Guide to Creative Reflective Practice, Sheather 2023
  • Three 1:1 one hour online supervision sessions
  • The final 1:1 assessment
  • Free access to the ART in Coaching online Practitioner Forums run three times a year online
  • For non-AC members a 12 month Introductory Associate Membership of the Association for Coaching

Credit & debit card payments: If you wish to pay by credit or debit card please inquire when making your booking. Please note charges apply to card payments.

Please read the ART in Coaching course booking terms and conditions for information on payments, cancellations, transfers and postponements before booking your place.



The accreditation is a kite mark of quality and when you are awarded the diploma certificate the programme provides you with sufficient training hours to pursue the AC’s Professional or Master Coach or Master Executive Coach accreditation. Please note you do not need to be a member of the AC to join the programme.




Book your personal call with Anna