Bilateral drawing is drawing simultaneously with both hands and is sometimes referred to as bilateral doodling or scribbling. It is an exercise in both self soothing and warming up your whole brain.
Category: Right Brain
The right hemisphere, aha! and transformational shift
(Source: McGilchrist p64 – 66) We are all familiar with the aha! moment and we have all experienced it for ourselves at one time or another. The aha! moment is also one of the most well know right hemisphere function
The right hemisphere and emotional value and complexity
McGilchrist, in his book The Master and His Emissary, explores the many complexities of the role of the right hemisphere around emotion value and emotional understanding. (McGilchrist p54 – 64) Through his analysis of the research it seems that the right hemisphere’s role is paramount when it comes to emotional value and understand
Frame shifts, the right hemisphere and coaching with art
When coaching we know the importance and power of frame shifts to enable our clients to make positive and lasting changes. The ability to make shifts comes from the right hemisphere.
Metaphor, the right hemisphere and coaching with art
Working with the whole, as it really is in all its complexity
'Our talent for division, for seeing the parts, is of staggering importance - second only to our capacity to transcend it, in order to see the whole.
Our Story Telling Brain
The wonderful thing about our left brain is that it helps us to know the world around us by analysing, categorising and labeling that which we encounter. Its has an important role in helping us to maintain a consistent and stable world.