In this coaching uncaged podcast with Animas Centre Director Robert Stephenson I explore art-based approaches to coaching. If you want to know more about what I do and art based coaching have a listen to this 46 min chat.
In the podcast I share the background that led me to employing art-based approaches in my coaching practice, touching on the executive and corporate spaces I predominantly work in, and how I bring art into this work.
I also talk about the importance of coaching from who you are, bringing the conversation back to the idea of authenticity as one of the keys to succeeding as a coach. Robert and I also delve into the pivotal element of building trust with our coachees, and how being confident in what we bring to the coaching space, can help that trust to flourish.
I also touch on the somatic element of working with art in the coaching space, the similarities between art-based coaching and art therapy, as well as a fascinating exploration of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. I explain how I support my clients to tap into working with the right hemisphere and then bringing the whole brain together through the coaching programme.
Finally I walk you through my art-based coaching framework, sharing the stages I take my clients through, and offer resources for those of you who are looking to work with art in the coaching space, including my book – Coaching Beyond Words: Using Art to Deepen and Enrich Our Conversations.
If this has intrigued you why not join me on the foundation workshop – An Introduction to Art in Coaching.